Experiences and Opportunities in Education
Results for Experiences and Opportunities in Education
2024 Focus: Learning Recovery
The NAEP 2024 mathematics and reading assessments included survey questionnaires for students, teachers, and school administrators that focused on learning recovery after disruptions to schooling during the COVID-19 pandemic. Below is a selection of data related to the key indicators of absenteeism, academic supports, social-emotional supports, and school climate. For each topic covered, results are reported for students who took the mathematics assessment at grades 4 and 8 by student groups nationally (including public and private school students sampled), by public school students in states/jurisdictions, and by public school students in participating large urban districts. Data from the reading assessment are accessible in the NAEP Data Explorer.
High absenteeism is defined here as missing three or more days in a month of schooling.
Access to Academic Supports
Academic supports refer to educational services and initiatives that aim to increase the academic performance of students.
Access to Social-Emotional Supports
Social-emotional supports refer to services provided to students to support their wellbeing, such as school counseling or a toll-free hotline.
School Climate
School climate includes perceptions of issues related to safety, academic support, academically focused culture, and teacher/student trust.
About NAEP Experiences and Opportunities in Education
The current version of the Experiences and Opportunities in Education dashboard provides a selection of indicators related to targeted factors addressed in the NAEP surveys. Therefore, the results presented here do not cover all potential areas addressed by the surveys.
Although comparisons in students’ performance are made based on student, teacher, and school characteristics and educational experiences, these results cannot be used to establish a cause-and-effect relationship between the characteristics or experiences and student achievement. NAEP is not designed to identify the causes of performance differences. There are many factors that may influence average student achievement, including local educational policies and practices, the quality of teachers, available resources, and students' out-of-school environment. Such factors may change over time and vary among student groups; therefore, results must be interpreted with caution.
The National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) Experiences and Opportunities in Education dashboard provides users with quick access to contextual information about whether students have access to the necessary resources, support systems, and conditions to acquire knowledge, skills, and experiences aligned with educational goals. The results are based on responses from the student, teacher, and school questionnaires.
The survey results offer insights into NAEP performance and students’ learning opportunities, but they should not be used to infer causal relationships. Read more in About NAEP Student Experiences.