District Achievement-Level Results

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NAEP Achievement-Level Map

Higher percentages of public school fourth-graders performed at or above NAEP Proficient in 6 districts compared to large cities nationally 

In comparison to large city public schools nationally in 2022,

  • 6 TUDA districts had a higher percentage of students performing at or above NAEP Proficient ; and
  • 8 TUDA districts had a lower percentage of students performing at or above NAEP Proficient.

Twenty-six percent of fourth-grade public school students in large cities nationally performed at or above the NAEP Proficient level in mathematics.  

NAEP achievement levels are performance standards that describe what students should know and be able to do. Results are reported as percentages of students performing at or above three achievement levels (NAEP Basic , NAEP Proficient, and NAEP Advanced ). Students performing at or above the NAEP Proficient level on NAEP assessments demonstrate solid academic performance and competency over challenging subject matter. It should be noted that the NAEP Proficient achievement level does not represent grade level proficiency as determined by other assessment standards (e.g., state or district assessments). NAEP achievement levels are to be used on a trial basis and should be interpreted and used with caution. Find out more about the NAEP mathematics achievement levels

See how the percentage of fourth-grade public school students performing at or above the NAEP Proficient level in mathematics in each participating TUDA district compares to the nation (public) or the large city average by selecting that district on the map. 

Scroll down below the map to explore the percentages of fourth-grade students who performed at each of the NAEP mathematics achievement levels for participating TUDA districts in 2022. 

Set focal jurisdiction:
Figure Comparison between districts and large city of the percentages of fourth-grade public school students performing at or above NAEP Proficient in NAEP mathematics: 2022
The 2022 large city percentage at or above NAEP Proficient was
Higher percentage than large city
Percentage not significantly different from large city
Lower percentage than large city
Not applicable
AlbuquerqueAtlantaAustinBaltimore CityBostonCharlotte-MecklenburgChicagoClevelandDallasDetroitDistrict of Columbia (DCPS)FresnoHillsborough County (FL)HoustonJefferson County (KY)Los AngelesMiami-DadeMilwaukeeNew York CityPhiladelphiaSan DiegoClark County (NV)DenverFort WorthGuilford County (NC)Shelby County (TN)Duval County (FL)
NOTE: DCPS = District of Columbia Public Schools. Large city includes public school students from all cities in the nation with populations of 250,000 or more including the participating districts.

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District Results by NAEP Achievement Levels

Between 23 percent to 82 percent of fourth-graders performed at or above NAEP Basic in mathematics across TUDA districts

Across the participating TUDA districts, the percentage of public school fourth-graders performing at or above NAEP Basic in mathematics in 2022 ranged from 23 percent to 82 percent. The percentage of fourth-grade public school students performing at or above the NAEP Basic level in mathematics was 74 percent nationally (public schools) and 64 percent for the large city average.

Set the baseline at either NAEP Basic or NAEP Proficient to see the percentages of students performing at or above that NAEP achievement level in each TUDA district and set the focal jurisdiction to either large city or nation (public). Click "Show NAEP achievement-level breakdown" to see how the percentages of fourth-grade students at each of the NAEP achievement levels compare to the large city average or nation (public). Click "Hide NAEP achievement-level breakdown" to see how the percentages of students at or above the selected baseline NAEP achievement level compare to the large city average or to the nation (public). 

Figure NAEP achievement-level results in NAEP mathematics for fourth-grade public school students, by district/jurisdiction: 2022
Set focal jurisdiction:
Percentage at or aboveNAEP Basic
Focal jurisdiction
NOTE: DCPS = District of Columbia Public Schools. Large city includes public school students from all cities in the nation with populations of 250,000 or more including the participating districts. NAEP achievement levels are to be used on a trial basis and should be interpreted and used with caution.

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