Performance by Student Group
National Student Group Scores
Most student groups with average score increases also increased at the 75th percentile
In 2024, the average score increased compared to 2022 for 13 of the 29 student groups reported here. In all cases where the average score for a group increased, the score for higher-performing students at the 75th percentile also increased for the following groups: Black, Hispanic, and White students; male and female students; students attending schools in the Northeast and South regions; and students who were not identified as English learners.
In a few cases, scores for lower-performing students at the 25th percentile also increased when the average score and score for higher-performing students increased, including students who were identified as economically disadvantaged and students who were identified as not economically disadvantaged; students attending public schools; students attending public, noncharter schools; and students who were not identified as students with disabilities.
In other cases, scores for higher-performing students increased for student groups with no significant change in the average score, including students attending charter schools, students attending schools in city, suburban, town, and rural locations, and students attending schools in the West region.
To see trends in average scores and in scores at the 25th and 75th percentiles by selected student groups, select the comparison years and click on the student group label below.
Use the NAEP Data Explorer to see scores at five selected percentiles (10th, 25th, 50th, 75th, and 90th) for all reported student groups.
The Type of School results below include data for public schools and Catholic schools (a subcategory of private schools). In 2024, results for private schools overall did not meet the minimum participation rate guideline for reporting, and therefore are not included here. Catholic schools, however, met the minimum participation rate guideline for reporting in 2024. See more information about years with available data by type of school and other student demographic groups.
Beginning with the 2024 assessment, the variable previously reported as “NSLP eligibility” is relabeled as economically disadvantaged status. See the About page for more information.
Figure Changes in fourth-grade NAEP mathematics average and selected percentile scores between 2022 and 2024, by selected student groups
Student Group Scores by State
Student group scores increased in 31 states/jurisdictions while scores declined for a few student groups in 7 states/jurisdictions
Patterns in student group performance differed across the states/jurisdictions in 2024. For example, patterns in average score changes compared to 2022 by race/ethnicity, gender, and socioeconomic status showed the following for fourth-grade public school students:
- Scores increased for Black students in 5 states/jurisdictions; Hispanic students in 3 states/jurisdictions; students of Two or More Races in 4 states; and White students in 8 states/jurisdictions. Scores declined for Asian and Asian/Pacific Islander students in 1 state.
- Female students scored higher in 11 states/jurisdictions and lower in 2 states; male students scored higher in 12 states/jurisdictions.
- Scores increased for students who were identified as not economically disadvantaged in 10 states and decreased in 2 states/jurisdictions; scores increased for students who were identified as economically disadvantaged in 18 states/jurisdictions and decreased in 1 state.
Use the drop-down menu to select a student group, focal year, and comparison year to see the change in average score between selected years for the selected student group in each state/jurisdiction. Click on a state/jurisdiction in the map to see the trend in average mathematics score and scores for higher-performing students at the 75th percentile and lower-performing students at the 25th percentile for fourth-grade public school students in the selected state/jurisdiction.
Figure Changes in NAEP mathematics average scores between 2022 and 2024 for fourth-grade public school students classified as economically disadvantaged, by state/jurisdiction
0 | 0 | 0 |
decreased | no significant change | increased |
Student Group Scores by District
Student group scores increased in 16 of 25 TUDA districts compared to 2022
In large city schools, average scores for fourth-grade public school students increased between 2022 and 2024 for the following student groups:
- Asian, Asian/Pacific Islander, Black, Hispanic, students of Two or More Races, and White students;
- male and female students;
- students who were identified as economically disadvantaged and students who were identified as not economically disadvantaged;
- students who were not identified as students with disabilities; and
- students who were not identified as English learners.
Patterns in student group score increases differed across the 25 Trial Urban District Assessment (TUDA) districts that participated in 2022 and 2024. Average mathematics scores for fourth-grade public school students increased in 2024 for several student groups as follows:
- Black students in 6 districts; Hispanic students in 5 districts; and White students in 3 districts;
- female students in 9 districts and male students in 10 districts;
- students who were identified as economically disadvantaged in 13 districts and students who were identified as not economically disadvantaged in 8 districts;
- students who were identified as students with disabilities in 2 districts and students who were not identified as students with disabilities in 14 districts; and
- students who were identified as English learners in 4 districts and students who were not identified as English learners in 14 districts.
Use the drop-down menu to select a student group, focal year, and comparison year to see the change in average score between selected years for the selected student group in each TUDA district. Click on a district name in the map to see the trend in average mathematics score and scores for higher-performing students at the 75th percentile and lower-performing students at the 25th percentile for fourth-grade public school students in the selected district. Please note, trend results are not available for Orange County, Florida, as 2024 is the first year for that district’s participation in the NAEP mathematics assessment.
Figure Changes in NAEP mathematics average scores between 2022 and 2024 for fourth-grade public school students classified as economically disadvantaged, by district/jurisdiction
0 | 0 | 0 |
decreased | no significant change | increased |
National Student Group Score Distributions
While the NAEP average scale score serves as a reliable indicator of student group performance overall, student group score distributions indicate the range of scale scores within student groups. NAEP assessment results show that within most student groups there is a wide distribution of scores. Comparison of score distributions between student groups can also show the high degree of overlap in performance between groups, even among groups with significant average score differences.
For example, the chart below shows the distribution of scores along the NAEP mathematics scale for fourth-grade students who were identified as having high, middle, and low socioeconomic status (SES), as measured using the NAEP SES Index. Looking at the distribution of mathematics scores by students’ SES index categories shows the following:
- A larger percentage of students who were identified as having high SES scored above the national average compared to all students as well as to students who were identified as having middle or low SES.
- A larger percentage of students who were identified as having middle SES scored above the national average compared to students who were identified as having low SES.
Use the dropdown menu below to view the percentage distribution of scores along the NAEP mathematics scale for selected student groups.
Figure Score distribution in fourth-grade NAEP mathematics by NAEP SES index (3 components): 2024
Group Population Percentages
Demographic changes in student populations
Compared to the previous assessment year in 2022, the percentages of fourth-grade students have changed for some student groups. For example, in 2024, the percentage of White students decreased. The percentage of students who were not identified as students with disabilities was lower, as was the percentage of students who were identified as not economically disadvantaged. The percentage of students who were identified as students with disabilities was higher in 2024 compared to 2022, as was the percentage of students who identified as economically disadvantaged.
Click on a jurisdiction type to see the percentage of students nationally or within a selected state or large urban district. Select a student group from the drop-down menu to view changes in the percentage of students for that group over time at the national, state, or district level.
Table Percentage distribution of students in the nation in fourth-grade NAEP mathematics, by economically disadvantaged status and assessment year
Year | Economically disadvantaged | Not economically disadvantaged | Information not available |
2024 | |||
2022 | |||
2019 | |||
2017 | |||
2015 | |||
2013 | |||
2011 | |||
2009 | |||
2007 | |||
2005 | |||
2003 | |||
2000 | |||
1996 | |||
19961 | |||
19921 | |||
19901 |