Sample Questions
Civics Sample Questions
The NAEP civics assessment measures students’ knowledge and skills in critical responsibilities of U.S. citizenship. As specified in the NAEP civics framework, assessment questions address three interrelated components: (1) knowledge about government and civil society; (2) intellectual and participatory skills essential for informed, effective, and responsible citizenship; and (3) civic dispositions that contribute to the political efficacy of the individual, the healthy functioning of the political system, a sense of dignity and worth, and the common good. Learn more about the NAEP civics assessment.
Grade 8 Sample Questions
Samples of released civics questions from the 2022 assessment are presented below. Each example contains a brief description of the question, the format type (selected-response or constructed-response), and the civic knowledge area (politics and government; American political system; roles of government; world affairs; roles of citizens). The percentage of students who answered a selected-response question correctly or who received full credit for their answer to a constructed-response question is also displayed.
Additional NAEP Sample Question Resources
See the NAEP Questions Tool to learn more about the released civics questions from the 2022 assessment and previous assessment years (grades 4, 8, and 12). The tool presents examples of students’ answers to constructed-response questions along with score commentary, the percentage of students who answered correctly, and how students’ performance on a given question corresponds to their overall scores on the civics assessment.
Experience the civics digitally based assessment as students did
You can try test questions that were administered to students as part of the 2022 civics assessment. After completing the questions, you can see the correct answers, scoring rubrics, and student performance results.
Civics item maps
One way to understand the NAEP civics scale is by seeing the types of questions that students performing at different points on the scale can likely answer correctly. See an item map with examples of questions that reflect the skills and knowledge demonstrated by students performing at different points on the civics scale within the score range for each NAEP achievement level.