Andromeda Task
Collect images to be used on a website advertising a television show about the Andromeda Galaxy.
In the Andromeda task, a television network is promoting a television show about the Andromeda Galaxy. Students need to identify a suitable image of the Andromeda Galaxy for use on the website. Students need to secure permission to use a copyrighted image and give appropriate credit to the owner of the image for their contribution.
of students correctly identified images that could be legally used on a website.
of students identified the proper reference style to use for writing a citation.
of students successfully wrote a citation that included all required copyright information.
Explore task details by selecting a step below
Step 1
Web Search Result
Determine which web search result is most informative.
Step 2
Selecting Appropriate Image for Website
Choose suitable image for website and determine which ones can be used legally.
Step 3
Choosing a Style Guide
Select appropriate reference guide for formatting a citation.
Step 4
Identifying Proper Citation Style
Identify correct reference style.
Step 5
Giving Appropriate Credit
Include required information in citation.
A Closer Look: Students' Abilities to Communicate an Idea in Accordance with Fair Use Guidelines
Students were able to select appropriate information to communicate an idea in accordance with fair use guidelines but were less able to accurately cite the source of a copyrighted image.
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Andromeda task results included in this report are from the 2018 TEL assessment.
Students were able to select appropriate information to communicate an idea in accordance with fair use guidelines but were less able to accurately cite the source of copyrighted material.