Average Scores and Percentiles
Overall Score Results
Higher average reading score for 9-year-olds than in 1971
The average reading score for 9-year-old students in 2022 was 7 points higher than in 1971, the first LTT reading assessment year. Compared to the previous LTT assessment in 2020, however, the 2022 average score was 5 points lower. Average scores are reported on the NAEP LTT reading scale that ranges from 0 to 500.
Figure Trend in NAEP long-term trend reading average scores for 9-year-old students
Scores by Percentile
Higher scores at all selected percentiles except the 10th compared to 1971
NAEP scores are reported at five selected percentiles to show the progress made by lower- (10th and 25th percentiles), middle- (50th percentile), and higher- (75th and 90th percentiles) performing students. In comparison to 1971, the 2022 reading scores were higher for 9-year-old students at all selected percentiles with one exception: the score for the lowest-performing students at the 10th percentile was not statistically significantly different from the first assessment year. Compared to 2020, scores were lower for students at all reported percentiles in 2022.