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About the Assessment: Type of Accommodations

Students assessed with accommodations typically received some combination of accommodations. In contrast to earlier assessment years in which students were only counted once in the category reflecting the primary accommodation provided, students were counted in the categories for each accommodation they received in 2012. For example, students assessed in small groups (as compared with standard NAEP sessions of about 30 students) were also usually given extended time and are included in counts for both groups.

Percentage of twelfth-grade students identified as students with disabilities (SD) and/or English language learners (ELL) assessed in NAEP economics with accommodations, as a percentage of all assessed students, by SD/ELL category and type of accommodation: 2012
Type of accommodation SD and/or ELL SD ELL
Bilingual dictionary 0.9 0.1 0.9
Braille version of the text # # #
Breaks 1.4 1.4 0.2
Cue to stay on task 0.3 0.3 #
Directions read aloud in English 1.4 1.2 0.2
Directions read aloud in Spanish # # #
Extended time 8.0 6.9 1.3
Large-print booklet 0.1 0.1 #
Magnification device # # #
One-on-one 0.2 0.2 #
Read aloud (all) 1.9 1.8 0.1
Read aloud (occasional) 1.1 1.0 0.1
School staff administers 0.3 0.3 #
Scribe 0.1 0.1 #
Sign language # # #
Small group 5.1 4.7 0.5
Special equipment 0.4 0.4 #
Other 0.2 0.2 #
# Rounds to zero.
NOTE: Students identified as both SD and ELL were counted only once under the combined SD and/or ELL category, but were counted separately under the SD and ELL categories. SD includes students identified as having either an Individualized Education Program or protection under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, National Center for Education Statistics, National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), 2012 Economics Assessment.