The National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) 2012 economics assessment is designed to measure students’ understanding of how economies and markets work, the benefits and costs of economic interaction and interdependence, and the choices people make regarding limited resources. Students answered questions about a wide range of topics in three main content areas: market economy (traditionally described as microeconomics), national economy (traditionally described as macroeconomics), and international economy (international trade). Results from the 2012 assessment are reported for the nation for public school students at grade 12 and are compared to results from the first economics assessment administered in 2006.
The National Assessment Governing Board oversees the development of NAEP frameworks that describe the specific knowledge and skills to be assessed in each subject. Frameworks incorporate ideas and input from subject area experts, school administrators, policymakers, teachers, parents, and others. The 2012 economics framework describes the types of questions that should be included and how they should be designed and scored. The 2006 and 2012 assessments were developed using the same framework, allowing results from the two assessment years to be compared.
The series of tables on the target population and sample, school and student participation rates, and exclusion of students with disabilities and English language learners provide context for interpreting the results of the assessment. Read the NAEP inclusion policy to learn more about NAEP accommodations and the history of the policy.
Learn more about procedures used as part of the 2012 economics assessment.