Mathematics Performance in Puerto Rico: 2003 and 2005
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The National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) mathematics assessment was administered to public school students in Puerto Rico for the first time in 2003. Although NAEP had previously administered some of the assessment in Spanish to students who required accommodations, this was the first time an entire NAEP administration was in a language other than English. The NAEP mathematics assessment was administered again to public school students in both fourth- and eighth-grades in Puerto Rico in 2005. Because modifications were made for the 2005 administration in Puerto Rico, NAEP mathematics scores should not be compared between the two years.
The performance of public school students in Puerto Rico on a Spanish-language version of the NAEP mathematics assessment at grades 4 and 8 is documented in three reports. A brief Highlights report presents average scores and achievement-level percentages for 2003 and 2005. A second report focuses on the performance of students in Puerto Rico in 2005 within each of the five mathematics content areas covered by the assessment. For comparison purposes, results are also shown for public school students in the nation (excluding Puerto Rico). A detailed technical report that describes the 2003 and 2005 assessments—including the translation of test questions into Spanish, the process of putting performance results onto the NAEP scale, and plans for future assessments in Puerto Rico—is also available.
Browse the executive summary or download the full text of the Highlights Report.
View actual test questions released from the assessment as they were administered in Spanish at grade 4 (174K PDF) or grade 8 (275K PDF).
Read more about the NAEP program in Puerto Rico, including resources such as sample questions booklets and background questionnaires.
Browse additional information on Puerto Rico in State Profiles, or use the NAEP Data Explorer to analyze data for Puerto Rico from the NAEP mathematics assessment.
Read the statement and view the PowerPoint presentation summarizing the NAEP results for Puerto Rico.