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Results of the 2007 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) administered to students in Puerto Rico are now available. Public school students at grades 4 and 8 in Puerto Rico took a Spanish-language version of the NAEP mathematics assessment. A representative sample of approximately 2,800 students from 100 public schools was assessed at each grade.
Read more about the NAEP program in Puerto Rico, including resources such as sample questions booklets and background questionnaires. Find out more about the content of the mathematics assessment by reading the mathematics framework (English only).
Browse additional information on Puerto Rico in State Profiles, or use the NAEP Data Explorer to analyze data for Puerto Rico from the 2003 and 2005 NAEP mathematics assessments.
Because of technical concerns regarding the placement of the 2007 results for Puerto Rico on the NAEP mathematics scale, performance results could not be reported as average scale scores for Puerto Rico, and students’ performance in 2007 could not be compared to performance in previous assessments.