Compared to 1992, higher percentages of White, Black, and Hispanic students in California, Florida, New York, and Texas performed at or above Proficient in 2011.
Percentage of fourth-grade students at or above Proficient in NAEP reading, by
selected racial/ethnic groups and jurisdiction: 1992 and 2011
Eligibility for free/reduced-priced school lunch
Compared to 2003, higher percentages of eligible students in Florida and New York performed at or above Proficient in 2011.
Percentage of fourth-grade students at or above Proficient in NAEP reading, by
eligibility for free/reduced-price school lunch and jurisdiction: 2003 and 2011
English Language Learners
Compared to 1998, the percentages of English language learners (ELL) performing at or above Proficient were not significantly different in 2011 for any of the Mega-States.
Percentage of fourth-grade students at or above Proficient in NAEP reading, by
status as English language learner and jurisdiction: 1998 and 2011