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What questions are used in the NAEP mathematics assessment?

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Grade 4
Grade 8

 Grade 8 Sample Questions

Question 1


Which of the following is an equation of a line that passes through the point (0, 5) and has a negative slope?

 A. y = 5x
 B. y = 5x - 5
 C. y = 5x + 5
 D. y = -5x - 5
 E. y = -5x + 5


Question 2


The circular spinner shown below is divided into 6 congruent sectors. The sectors are yellow or blue.

Label each of the sectors either yellow (Y) or blue (B) so that the probability of spinning the arrow once and landing on yellow is 1/3


Question 3


Image of parallel lines l and m through which is drawn a transverse line resulting in the creation of angles.

In the figure above, line l is parallel to line m. Which of the following pairs of angles must have the same measure?

 A. Angles 1 and 2
 B. Angles 1 and 5
 C. Angles 2 and 3
 D. Angles 4 and 5
 E. Angles 4 and 8

Question 4


The linear graph below describes Josh�s car trip from his grandmother�s home directly to his home.

Line graph labeled �Josh�s Car Trip.� The X axis is labeled �time in hours� and ranges from 1 to 5. The Y axis is labeled �number of miles from Josh�s home� and ranges from 0 to 160 in increments of 20 miles. A diagonal line on the graph stretches from 4 on the X axis to 160 on the Y axis.

(a) Based on this graph, what is the distance from Josh�s grandmother�s home to his home?

(b) Based on this graph, how long did it take Josh to make the trip?

(c) What was Josh�s average speed for the trip? Explain how you found your answer.

(d) Explain why the graph ends at the x-axis.


Question 5


Graph showing dimensions of river property. Each square on the graph represents 25 square meters.

On the scale drawing above, the shaded area represents a piece of property along the river. Which of the following measurements is the best estimate of the area of the property?

 A. 750 square meters
 B. 850 square meters
 C. 900 square meters
 D. 1,050 square meters
 E. 1,200 square meters


Question 6

For 2 minutes, Casey runs at a constant speed. Then she gradually increases her speed. Which of the following graphs could show how her speed changed over time?

 A. A line drawn on a graph begins at the juncture of the X (time) and Y (speed) axes. The line begins diagonally, then flattens into a straight line parallel to the X axis.
 B.A line drawn on a graph begins at the juncture of the X (time) and Y (speed) axes. The line begins diagonally, then turns into a line going straight up.
 C.A line drawn on a graph begins at the juncture of the X (time) and Y (speed) axes. The line goes up diagonally, then turns into a diagonal line pointing down.
 D. A straight line drawn on a graph begins at the Y (speed) axis and is drawn parallel to the X (time) axis, then turns into a diagonal line pointing up.
 E. A straight line drawn on a graph begins at the Y (speed) axis and is drawn parallel to the X (time) axis, then turns into a diagonal line pointing down.


Question 7


Image of 3 measuring cups: 1/4 cup, 1/3 cup, and 1/2 cup.

A recipe requires 1 1/3 cups of sugar. Which of the following ways describes how the measuring cups shown can be used to measure 1 1/3 cups of sugar accurately?

 A. Use the 1/2 cup three times
 B. Use the 1/4 cup three times
 C. Use the 1/2 cup twice and the 1/3 cup once.
 D. Use the 1/3 cup twice and the 1/2 cup once.
 E. Use the 1/4 cup once, the 1/3 cup once, and the 1/2 cup once.


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