Among 2009 graduates who did not attain a standard curriculum, 73 to 81 percent were missing required coursework in only a single subject area needed to attain a standard curriculum.
A greater percentage of Black and Hispanic than White graduates in 2009 were missing only the science requirements. A greater percentage of White and Asian/Pacific Islander than Black or Hispanic graduates lacked only English.
Among all racial/ethnic groups, between 19 and 27 percent of 2009 graduates completing a below standard curriculum lacked multiple requirements needed to attain a standard curriculum. A smaller percentage of Black and Asian/Pacific Islander graduates than White graduates were missing multiple requirements.
Percentage distribution of graduates who did not attain a standard curriculum, by missing requirement and race/ethnicity: 2009
Percentage of graduates |
Standard error |
Percentage of graduates |
Standard error |
Percentage of graduates |
Standard error |
Percentage of graduates |
Standard error |
Percentage of graduates |
Standard error |
White |
33.9 |
(2.13) |
7.6 |
(0.57) |
26.4 |
(2.67) |
5.3 |
(0.84) |
26.8 |
(1.53) |
Black |
52.3 |
* |
(2.84) |
8.5 |
(1.21) |
13.2 |
* |
(1.63) |
4.3 |
(0.80) |
21.7 |
* |
(1.75) |
Hispanic |
50.0 |
* |
(2.68) |
8.3 |
(1.23) |
13.2 |
* |
(1.21) |
3.3 |
* |
(0.64) |
25.2 |
(1.71) |
Asian/Pacific Islander |
30.8 |
(3.31) |
7.6 |
(1.29) |
39.3 |
* |
(2.73) |
3.1 |
(1.07) |
19.2 |
* |
(1.75) |
* Significantly different (p<.05) from White graduates.
NOTE: Black includes African American, Hispanic includes Latino, Pacific Islander includes Native Hawaiian. Race categories exclude Hispanic origin. Details may not sum to total because of rounding.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, National Center for Education Statistics, High School Transcript Study (HSTS), 2009.