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Classroom Context: Impact of Coursetaking

As part of the 2012 NAEP economics assessment, twelfth-graders who indicated they had taken at least one course with some economics were asked a series of questions about the impact of that course. The full text of the series of questions is below.

How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements about those courses that you took?

A. Taking the course(s) helped me understand the U.S. economy.
B. Taking the course(s) helped me understand the international economy.
C. Taking the course(s) helped me understand what I hear on the news about current events and public policy.
D. Taking the course(s) helped me understand how to manage my personal finances, now and in the future.
E. Taking the course(s) helped me make choices about my future education and career.

For each question, students could select from the following options.

A. Strongly disagree
B. Somewhat disagree
C. Somewhat agree
D. Strongly agree

The percentages of students who responded in each category are shown in the tabs below.