ScienceInformation About the 2005 TUDA Science Assessment
Urban District Results
Student Group Results
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A Closer Look at Individual Districts

Use the tabs below to view science performance for each participating district. The profiles present a closer look at results for each district’s student groups by race/ethnicity and by income level (eligibility for free or reduced-price school lunch) and offer comparisons to the nation's public schools and to large central city public schools. In addition, results for a few, selected test questions are provided to give the reader a more concrete sense of how the district’s students performed. To learn more about the educational context in each district, see About Urban Districts.

For San Diego Eighth-Graders...

Average eighth-grade NAEP science scores in 2005, by jurisdiction and selected student groups

Average fourth-grade NAEP science scores in 2005, by district and selected student groups

  • the overall score was higher than that in large central cities, but lower than it was in the nation.
  • the percentages at or above Basic and at or above Proficient were higher than they were in large central cities.

Compared with their peers…

  • White and Black students had average scores that were not significantly different from those in large central cities and the nation.
  • Hispanic and Asian/Pacific Islander students had average scores that were not significantly different from those in large central cities, but scored lower than those in the nation.

The score gap between…

  • White and Black students was 35 points—which was not significantly different from the gaps in large central cities and the nation.
  • White and Hispanic students was 40 points—which was not significantly different from the gap in large central cities, but wider than the gap in the nation.
  • higher- and lower-income students was 28 points—which was not significantly different from the gaps in large central cities and the nation.

Cross-jurisdiction significance results are calculated using a multiple-comparison procedure based on all participating districts.  Results may vary from those obtained using single-district comparisons, such as those in the single-district snapshot reports.

Read more about the 2005 science assessment on the NAEP website. Read the specific definitions of the Basic, Proficient, and Advanced achievement levels for grades 4 and 8.

Select from the list below to view a district's Snapshot report as a PDF file.

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