The percentage of White students in Texas at or above Proficient was higher than their peers in the nation and in the other Mega-States.
Percentage of eighth-grade students at or above Proficient in NAEP science, by
selected racial/ethnic groups and jurisdiction: 2011
Eligibility for free/reduced-priced school lunch
The percentage of eligible students in Texas at or above Proficient was higher than their peers in the nation and the percentages in California and Illinois were lower.
Percentage of eighth-grade students at or above Proficient in NAEP science, by eligibility for free/reduced-price school lunch and jurisdiction: 2011
School location
The percentage of students attending city schools in Texas at or above Proficient was higher than their peers in the nation and the percentages in California, Illinois, and New York were lower.
Percentage of eighth-grade students at or above Proficient in NAEP science, by
selected school location and jurisdiction: 2011