Compared to 1992, higher percentages of White, Black, and Hispanic students in California, Florida, New York, and Texas performed at or above Proficient in 2011.
Percentage of fourth-grade students at or above Proficient in NAEP mathematics, by
selected racial/ethnic groups and jurisdiction: 1992 and 2011

Eligibility for free/reduced-priced school lunch
Compared to 2003, higher percentages of eligible students in California, Florida, Illinois, New York, and Texas performed at or above Proficient in 2011.
Percentage of fourth-grade students at or above Proficient in NAEP mathematics, by
eligibility for free/reduced-price school lunch and jurisdiction: 2003 and 2011

School location
Compared to 2007, a lower percentage of students attending suburban schools in New York performed at or above Proficient in 2011.
Percentage of fourth-grade students at or above Proficient in NAEP mathematics, by
selected school location and jurisdiction: 2007 and 2011