As part of the 2011 mathematics assessment, teachers of fourth- and eighth-graders were asked about the number of hours they spent on mathematics instruction per week. The full text of the question and corresponding data charts and tables are provided below.
How many hours of mathematics instruction do your students receive in a typical week?
A. Less than 3 hours
B. At least 3 hours, but less than 5 hours
C. At least 5 hours, but less than 7 hours
D. 7 or more hours
Approximately 61 percent of eighth-graders in the nation received between 3 and 4.9 hours of mathematics instruction per week in 2011, which is lower than the percentage in 2005. Use the drop down menu to view the percentages in your state. Click chart options below the chart to explore average scores or make comparisons of your choice.
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