Sample Student Responses from the 2008 Music Assessment
"Developed" Sample Response
Each measure of the response contains the correct number of beats with no technical errors in notation.
"Adequate" Sample Response
The note values provided in each measure of the response are correct; however, the note head of the final eighth note in the final measure is written on the incorrect side of the stem.
"Partial" Sample Response
The note values of each measure in this response contain the correct number of beats; however, the note heads of the second eighth note in the third measure and the second note in the fourth measure are written on the incorrect side of the stem.
"Very Limited" Sample Response
There are too many beats in the first measure of the response. The final measure of the response contains the correct amount of beats although the note head of the second eighth note in that measure is drawn on the incorrect side of the stem.
"Inadequate" Sample Response
The note values provided in each of the measures of this response do not have the correct number of beats. The third measure does not have enough beats and the final measure has too many beats.
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