The multiple-choice question that follows measured the ability
of students to recognize
a feature of composition in a self-portrait.
Students were given a packet containing two prints. Each print shows an image of a self-portrait created by a twentieth-century artist. Self-portrait A is by Kathe Kollwitz, and self-portrait B is by Egon Schiele. Students applied their knowledge of aesthetic properties to the two artworks, and also considered the relationships between these properties and the expressive qualities of each work. After students answered questions about the prints, they were asked to create their own self-portrait.

Self-portrait A source: National Gallery of Art.
Self-portrait B source: Galerie St. Etienne.
Which statement describes a technical similarity between self-portraits A and B?

The figure in each work is seen from the same point of view.

Both works combine loose gestural lines with careful drawing.

The compositions in both works are symmetrical.

Both works rely on light and shadow to emphasize depth.
The correct answer is B.
Percentage of students in each response category at grade 8: 2008
Choice A
Choice B
Choice C
Choice D
# Rounds to zero.
NOTE: Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, National Center for Education Statistics, National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), 2008 Arts Assessment.
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On the a map of NAEP visual arts items, this question maps to a scale score of 224.
Learn more about what the arts assessment measures.