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Grade 4 Cracking Concrete. Predict the effect of the freeze/thaw cycle on a concrete sidewalk. Duration: 20 minutes
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Grade 4 Here Comes the Sun. Predict path of the sun and number of daylight hours to determine best planting location. Duration: 20 minutes. Take this task.
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Grade 4 Mystery Plants. Determine optimum amount of light and nutrients for plant growth. Duration: 40 minutes. Take this task.
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Grade 8 Bottling Honey. Investigate flow rates of four liquids to determine best temperature for bottling honey. Duration: 20 minutes. Take this task.
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Grade 8 Playground Soil. Investigate attributes of two soil samples to determine the best site for building a playground. Duration: 20 minutes. Take this task.
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Grade 8 Planning a Park. Evaluate the impact of a planned recreation park on specific organisms. Duration: 40 minutes. Take this task.
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Grade 12 Energy Transfer. Investigate energy transfer between substances to determine the best metal for a cooking pot. Duration: 20 minutes. Take this task.
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Grade 12 Starlight. Investigate relationships between the luminosity and temperature of different stars. Duration: 20 minutes. Take this task.
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Grade 12 Phytoplankton Factor. Investigate ocean conditions that support phytoplankton growth. Duration: 40 minutes. Take this task.
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