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About the Assessment: Inclusion Rates

NAEP has always endeavored to assess all students selected as a part of its sampling process, including students who are classified by their schools as students with disabilities (SD) and/or as English language learners (ELL). The decision to exclude any of these students is made by school personnel. School personnel are encouraged to use inclusion criteria provided by NAEP and may discuss their inclusion decisions with NAEP field staff. Some students may participate with testing accommodations. Read more about the NAEP inclusion policy, including exclusion rates from current and previous assessments in all subject areas.

The tables below show the percentage of students identified as SD and/or ELL, and provide the rate of students excluded and accommodated in two ways: as a percentage of all students in the NAEP sample, or as a percentage of students identified as SD and/or ELL. Tables that provide percentages of SD students include those identified under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended (Title 29 U.S.C. 794 Section 504), which prohibits discrimination on the basis of handicap in federally assisted programs and activities. In addition, the percentages are further disaggregated in the SD tables by showing those who were identified as having an Individualized Education Program (IEP) . View Trial Urban District Assessment inclusion rates.

Grade 4 SD/ELL
Grade 4 SD
Grade 4 ELL
Grade 8 SD/ELL
Grade 8 SD
Grade 8 ELL
Grade 12 SD/ELL
Grade 12 SD
Grade 12 ELL

Percentage of twelfth-grade students identified as students with disabilities (SD) excluded and assessed in NAEP mathematics, as a percentage of identified SD students, by state/jurisdiction: 2009
  Percentage of identified SD students
State/jurisdiction Excluded Assessed Assessed
    Nation 30 70 18 52
      Nation (public) 31 69 18 51
Arkansas 24 76 19 57
Connecticut 25 75 13 62
Florida 40 60 3 57
Idaho 23 77 25 52
Illinois 31 69 14 55
Iowa 26 74 16 57
Massachusetts 32 68 15 53
New Hampshire 18 82 37 45
New Jersey 21 79 11 68
South Dakota 25 75 24 51
West Virginia 15 85 26 59
NOTE: SD includes those identified under section 504. In NAEP, students who have an IEP or a 504 plan are classified as students with disabilities. The national results include both public and nonpublic school students. The national (public) and state results include public school students only. Eleven states participated in the assessment and met the reporting criteria. Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, National Center for Education Statistics, National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), 2009 Mathematics Assessment.