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The map below allows comparisons between the average scores for public school students in a particular state or jurisdiction and the average score of the nation or another state. Roll your mouse over a state to learn its score. Significant differences are noted in the pop-up text above the map. By clicking on the map, you can select a focal jurisdiction and compare the average score in a particular state to that in other states. You can also view this map with a focus on one of the student groups listed in the tabs above the map.
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Cross-state comparisons of average eighth-grade NAEP mathematics scores in 2007 for White students
1 Department of Defense Education Activity (overseas and domestic schools).
NOTE: Race categories exclude Hispanic origin. Reported differences are statistically significant at the .05 level. DS is an abbreviation for Department of Defense schools, and NP is an abbreviation for national public schools. View complete data with standard errors.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, National Center for Education Statistics, National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), 2007 Mathematics Assessment.
Browse a table showing the percentage of students with disabilities and/or English language learners identified, excluded, and assessed in each state.
See more information about how to interpret the statistical significance of state comparisons.
See more details on student categories in the NAEP reporting groups.