Reading scores were higher in 2012 than in 1971 for 17-year-olds at the 10th and 25th percentiles.
Reading scores were higher in 2012 than in 1971 for male 17-year-olds at the 10th and 25th percentiles, and scores for female 17-year-olds were not significantly different at all five selected percentiles comparing 2012 to 1971.
Reading scores were higher in 2012 than in 1975 for Black 17-year-olds at all five selected percentiles, for Hispanic students at all but the 90th percentile, and for White students at the 50th percentile.
“Other” includes American Indian/Alaska Native, two or more races, and unclassified.
Reading scores for 17-year-olds attending public schools were not significantly different in 2012 compared to 1980 at all five selected percentiles.
For 17-year-olds whose parents' highest level of education was graduation from high school, average reading scores were lower in 2012 than in 1980 at the 50th, 75th, and 90th percentiles.
Reading scores for students with disabilities (SD) were higher in 2012 than in 2004 at the 10th, 25th, and 50th percentiles.
Average reading scores for English language learners (ELL) in 2012 were not significantly different from 2004 at all five selected percentiles.
Reading scores for 17-year-olds in the 10th grade or below were higher in 2012 than in 1971 at all five selected percentiles.