Sample question 2 asked students to identify explicitly stated information from the passage. See the full text of the reading passage below.
83 percent of 9-year-olds answered this question correctly.
According to the article, what did frontier women make from animal horns and bones?

Jewelry and ornaments
Tools and eating utensils

Beds and household furniture

Toys and horseshoes
The correct answer is B.
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Sample Reading Passage
Frontier Women
Like the early colonial women settlers of the backwoods, frontier women made everything their families needed. Most began work at daybreak and did not rest until late evening. They cooked, spun cloth, made clothing, raised children, and tried to keep their dirt homes clean. They cleared and plowed fields, tended and harvested crops, milked the cows, raised hogs, rode and trained horses, and did just about every chore on the farm.
The women not only worked, they also made most of their own tools. To make pitchforks, they attached handles to deer antlers. Many of the women learned to use a knife well enough to carve spoons, forks, and bowls out of animal bones. They fashioned cups and containers out of vegetable gourds and animal horns.