ScienceInformation About the 2005 TUDA Science Assessment
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A Closer Look at Individual Districts

Use the tabs below to view science performance for each participating district. The profiles present a closer look at results for each district’s student groups by race/ethnicity and by income level (eligibility for free or reduced-price school lunch) and offer comparisons to the nation's public schools and to large central city public schools. In addition, results for a few, selected test questions are provided to give the reader a more concrete sense of how the district’s students performed. To learn more about the educational context in each district, see About Urban Districts.

Percentage of fourth-grade student responses rated correct or "Complete" on selected NAEP science questions in 2005, by jurisdiction
ment level
Score location Question description Nation Large central city Boston
205 – 300
219 Interpret readings from rain gauges 30 26 25

Interpret data to conclude conditions needed for seed germination

33 27 31
170 – 204
203 Explain what can be learned from fossils 36 29 21
185 Relate air (oxygen) supply to burning time 44 32 29
174 Interpret melting point data to determine which item melts first 65 62 64
138 – 169
165 Use data table to determine which day has the most daylight 66 57 61
159 Predict and explain water displacement by two objects 62 53 56
139 Identify function of a human structure 76 71 75
0 – 137 136 Identify process fish use to obtain oxygen 75 68 71

Compare weather data to tell which city has warmer temperatures

87 78 81
NOTE: Multiple-choice questions are shown in italic type.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, National Center for Education Statistics, National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), 2005 Trial Urban District Science Assessment.

In the table above, the “score location” of a test question on the scale represents the average scale score attained by students who had a 65 percent probability of successfully answering a constructed-response question, or a 74 percent probability of correctly answering a four-option multiple-choice question.

The scale score ranges for the science achievement levels (Basic, Proficient, and Advanced) are also displayed in the table. For constructed-response questions, the question description represents students’ performance rated as completely correct. The hyperlinked items have been released and are available in the NAEP Questions tool. To find other sample test questions with associated performance results by nation, state, and district, search the NAEP Questions Tool.

Cross-jurisdiction significance results are calculated using a multiple-comparison procedure based on all participating districts.  Results may vary from those obtained using single-district comparisons, such as those in the single-district snapshot reports.

Read more about the 2005 science assessment on the NAEP website. Read the specific definitions of the Basic, Proficient, and Advanced achievement levels for grades 4 and 8.

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