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Classroom Context: Number of Pages Read


As part of the 2011 reading assessment, fourth- and eighth-graders were asked about the number of pages they had to read for school and for homework. The full text of the question and corresponding data charts and tables are provided below.

About how many pages a day do you have to read in school and for homework?

A. 5 or fewer
B. 6–10
C. 11–15
D. 16–20
E. More than 20

Grade 4
Grade 8

Approximately 24 percent of fourth-graders in large city schools reported reading 5 or fewer pages per day in school and for homework in 2011, which is lower than in 2002. Use the drop down menu to view the percentages in participating districts. Click chart options below the chart to explore average scores or make comparisons of your choice.

Beginning in 2009, results for charter schools are excluded from the TUDA results if they are not included in the school district’s Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) report to the U.S. Department of Education.

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