Reading top stories: Major findings about students' knowledge of reading in 2007
- Average reading scores were higher in 2007 than in 1992 at both grades 4 and 8.
- Average reading scores were higher in 2007 than in 2005 in 18 jurisdictions at grade 4 and 6 jurisdictions at grade 8.
- Average scores for White, Black, and Hispanic students at grades 4 and 8 were higher in 2007 than in 1992.
Click here to download the report.
Do you know: Find out how students answered specific questions on the reading assessment by taking the following quiz.
Question 1: What percentage of fourth-graders were able to recognize an important lesson based on a story's theme?
A) About 50%
B) About 60%
C) About 70%
D) About 80%
Question 2: What percentage of fourth-graders were able to use a character trait to make a comparison?
A) About 50%
B) About 60%
C) About 70%
D) About 80%
Question 3: What percentage of eighth-graders recognized explicit information from a highly-detailed article?
A) About 50%
B) About 60%
C) About 70%
D) About 80%
Question 4: What percentage of eighth-graders were able to support an opinion with text information or related prior knowledge?
A) About 50%
B) About 60%
C) About 70%
D) About 80%
Answers: Question 1) D, Question 2) B, Question 3) A, and 4) Question C.
More about reading: Find out more details about the reading assessment.
As the key that allows access to many forms of knowledge and information, reading literacy is perhaps the skill most critical to learning. The NAEP reading assessment measures reading comprehension by asking students to read passages and answer questions about what they have read.