Overall Performance Results

Compared with performance in large central city schools...

  • at grade 4, students in Austin, Charlotte, Houston, and New York City scored higher, on average; and average scores in Atlanta, Chicago, Cleveland, the District of Columbia, and Los Angeles were lower.
  • at grade 4, the percentages of students performing at or above Basic in Austin, Charlotte, and New York City were higher.
  • at grade 4, the percentages at or above Proficient were higher in Austin and Charlotte; while in Chicago, Cleveland, the District of Columbia, and Los Angeles, the percentages were lower for both achievement levels.
  • at grade 8, students in Austin, Boston, Charlotte, and San Diego scored higher, on average; and average scores in Atlanta, Cleveland, the District of Columbia, Houston, and Los Angeles were lower.
  • at grade 8, the percentage of students performing at or above Basic in Charlotte was higher.
  • at grade 8, the percentages performing at or above Proficient were higher in Austin, Boston, and Charlotte.

Compared with performance in the nation...

  • at grade 4, students in Charlotte scored higher, on average, and students in Austin, had an average score that was not significantly different.
  • at grade 8, average scores for students in nine districts were lower, and average scores in Austin and Charlotte were not significantly different.
Average reading scale scores and percentage of students within each achievement level, grade 4 public schools: By urban district, 2005

* Average scores are significantly different from large central city public schools.
** Average scores are significantly different from nation (public schools).
NOTE: Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding. The shaded bars are graphed using unrounded numbers.
DATA: View complete data with standard errors for scale scores in districts and the nation or in large central cities, and achievement levels in districts and the nation or in large central cities.

Average reading scale scores and percentage of students within each achievement level, grade 8 public schools: By urban district, 2005

# The estimate rounds to zero.
* Average scores are significantly different from large central city public schools.
** Average scores are significantly different from nation (public schools).
NOTE: Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding. The shaded bars are graphed using unrounded numbers.
DATA: View complete data with standard errors for scale scores in districts and the nation or in large central cities, and achievement levels in districts and the nation or in large central cities.

Read more about the 2005 reading assessment on the NAEP website.

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