Percentages at or above each achievement level for grade 4 reading, by status as English learner, 2 categories and jurisdiction: 2011, 2009, 2007, 2005, 2003, and 2002
YearJurisdictionELLNot ELL
below Basicat or above Basicat or above Proficientat Advancedbelow Basicat or above Basicat or above Proficientat Advanced
— Not available.
# Rounds to zero.
‡ Reporting standards not met.
NOTE: DCPS = District of Columbia Public Schools. Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding. Some apparent differences between estimates may not be statistically significant. Analyze results with NAEP Data Explorer.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, National Center for Education Statistics, National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), 2002, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2009, and 2011 Reading Assessments.
2011National public7030713070358
2011 Large city72286#3862287
2011 Albuquerque88121#3862285
2011 Atlanta4654246
2011 Austin604010122784715
2011 Baltimore City6040112
2011 Boston55451012971358
2011 Charlotte65357126743910
2011 Chicago81194#4654204
2011 Cleveland69314#683281
2011 Dallas68326#4456203
2011 Detroit633791703071
2011 District of Columbia (DCPS)79215#5446217
2011 Fresno88121#5248152
2011 Hillsborough County (FL)514912117835014
2011 Houston57431313763297
2011 Jefferson County (KY)3268359
2011 Los Angeles86141#4060223
2011 Miami-Dade71295#2674378
2011 Milwaukee76244#5941143
2011 New York City73274#3268338
2011 Philadelphia86143#5545142
2011 San Diego67337123774511
2009National public71296#3169348
2009 Large city75254#3961276
2009 Albuquerque
2009 Atlanta5050236
2009 Austin60407#27734011
2009 Baltimore City5842122
2009 Boston62381013565265
2009 Charlotte623810127733811
2009 Chicago8218415248173
2009 Cleveland66348#
2009 Dallas
2009 Detroit70305#73275#
2009 District of Columbia (DCPS)6832725347196
2009 Fresno86141#4951172
2009 Hillsborough County (FL)
2009 Houston65357#3763244
2009 Jefferson County (KY)3664318
2009 Los Angeles84162#4357203
2009 Miami-Dade66347#3169327
2009 Milwaukee6733716040132
2009 New York City70305#3367328
2009 Philadelphia8812215941122
2009 San Diego7129712575409
2007National public7030713169348
2007 Large city7426614159266
2007 Albuquerque
2007 Atlanta5248195
2007 Austin62389132683610
2007 Baltimore City
2007 Boston6139914159245
2007 Charlotte633711130703811
2007 Chicago76245#5248184
2007 Cleveland613991
2007 Dallas
2007 Detroit
2007 District of Columbia (DCPS)58429#6139144
2007 Fresno
2007 Hillsborough County (FL)
2007 Houston74265#4258224
2007 Jefferson County (KY)
2007 Los Angeles82183#4258213
2007 Miami-Dade
2007 Milwaukee
2007 New York City78224#3763287
2007 Philadelphia
2007 San Diego6733812971379
2005National public7327713466327
2005 Large city76245#4555235
2005 Albuquerque
2005 Atlanta5941174
2005 Austin74265#3367338
2005 Baltimore City
2005 Boston72285#4654183
2005 Charlotte60409#32683510
2005 Chicago89112#5545162
2005 Cleveland6238101
2005 Dallas
2005 Detroit
2005 District of Columbia (DCPS)80204#6634122
2005 Fresno
2005 Hillsborough County (FL)
2005 Houston7228614159266
2005 Jefferson County (KY)
2005 Los Angeles78224#4555266
2005 Miami-Dade
2005 Milwaukee
2005 New York City81192#4060245
2005 Philadelphia
2005 San Diego72286#3664307
2003National public7228713565328
2003 Large city7525614852225
2003 Albuquerque
2003 Atlanta6337144
2003 Austin
2003 Baltimore City
2003 Boston69317#4951173
2003 Charlotte69314#3466338
2003 Chicago8218415545163
2003 Cleveland6535101
2003 Dallas
2003 Detroit
2003 District of Columbia (DCPS)8119316832113
2003 Fresno
2003 Hillsborough County (FL)
2003 Houston75255#4654204
2003 Jefferson County (KY)
2003 Los Angeles76244#5149184
2003 Miami-Dade
2003 Milwaukee
2003 New York City79214#4555235
2003 Philadelphia
2003 San Diego7426713664297
2002National public76245#3565327
2002 Large city78224#5149204
2002 Albuquerque
2002 Atlanta6436123
2002 Austin
2002 Baltimore City
2002 Boston
2002 Charlotte
2002 Chicago85152#6337122
2002 Cleveland
2002 Dallas
2002 Detroit
2002 District of Columbia (DCPS)7327616931102
2002 Fresno
2002 Hillsborough County (FL)
2002 Houston6931514753224
2002 Jefferson County (KY)
2002 Los Angeles86143#5347173
2002 Miami-Dade
2002 Milwaukee
2002 New York City5149205
2002 Philadelphia
2002 San Diego