Percentages at or above each achievement level for grade 4 reading, by disability status of student, including those with 504 plan and jurisdiction: 2011, 2009, 2007, 2005, 2003, and 2002
YearJurisdictionIdentified as students with disabilitiesNot identified as students with disabilities
below Basicat or above Basicat or above Proficientat Advancedbelow Basicat or above Basicat or above Proficientat Advanced
— Not available.
# Rounds to zero.
‡ Reporting standards not met.
NOTE: The category “students with disabilities” includes students identified as having either an Individualized Education Program (IEP) or protection under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. DCPS = District of Columbia Public Schools. Detail may not sum to totals because of rounding. Some apparent differences between estimates may not be statistically significant. Analyze results with NAEP Data Explorer.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, National Center for Education Statistics, National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), 2002, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2009, and 2011 Reading Assessments.
2011National public68321123070358
2011 Large city7723814159266
2011 Albuquerque7921714357265
2011 Atlanta8119814456256
2011 Austin663417330703812
2011 Baltimore City6040112
2011 Boston7426713070307
2011 Charlotte673310126743910
2011 Chicago7624814852193
2011 Cleveland9641#6238101
2011 Dallas86141#5347142
2011 Detroit90101#673371
2011 District of Columbia (DCPS)9192#5149238
2011 Fresno89111#6040111
2011 Hillsborough County (FL)485220318824813
2011 Houston80205#4159255
2011 Jefferson County (KY)65351122971379
2011 Los Angeles8812315149162
2011 Miami-Dade6832812971357
2011 Milwaukee9192#5545153
2011 New York City7426713268338
2011 Philadelphia90102#5248152
2011 San Diego8020513664338
2009National public66341223169348
2009 Large city7624724357246
2009 Albuquerque
2009 Atlanta79211114753236
2009 Austin59411423367349
2009 Baltimore City7525935743122
2009 Boston7129713367275
2009 Charlotte574318426743811
2009 Chicago8020625149173
2009 Cleveland64369#
2009 Dallas
2009 Detroit9461#70306#
2009 District of Columbia (DCPS)5347196
2009 Fresno83173#5842131
2009 Hillsborough County (FL)
2009 Houston7921614357203
2009 Jefferson County (KY)66341213268328
2009 Los Angeles90103#5743142
2009 Miami-Dade7030812773347
2009 Milwaukee9191#5644142
2009 New York City70301023268327
2009 Philadelphia9192#5743122
2009 San Diego79214#3664317
2007National public64361323169348
2007 Large city7525924555235
2007 Albuquerque
2007 Atlanta67331435149195
2007 Austin64361433664328
2007 Baltimore City
2007 Boston80205#4060235
2007 Charlotte683212330703811
2007 Chicago7921825446163
2007 Cleveland604091
2007 Dallas
2007 Detroit
2007 District of Columbia (DCPS)85155#6040144
2007 Fresno
2007 Hillsborough County (FL)
2007 Houston8020814951173
2007 Jefferson County (KY)
2007 Los Angeles8119515941132
2007 Miami-Dade
2007 Milwaukee
2007 New York City7723723862277
2007 Philadelphia
2007 San Diego7921714159286
2005National public67331123466327
2005 Large city7525724951214
2005 Albuquerque
2005 Atlanta8218715743184
2005 Austin7327613664307
2005 Baltimore City
2005 Boston85152#4258193
2005 Charlotte643614431693510
2005 Chicago7525825842142
2005 Cleveland6238101
2005 Dallas
2005 Detroit
2005 District of Columbia (DCPS)88123#6535122
2005 Fresno
2005 Hillsborough County (FL)
2005 Houston7426724654225
2005 Jefferson County (KY)
2005 Los Angeles9010216139153
2005 Miami-Dade
2005 Milwaukee
2005 New York City76245#3961255
2005 Philadelphia
2005 San Diego75256#4555235
2003National public7129913565328
2003 Large city7921615050215
2003 Albuquerque
2003 Atlanta76241126238144
2003 Austin
2003 Baltimore City
2003 Boston80203#4654183
2003 Charlotte6832913169359
2003 Chicago8515525743153
2003 Cleveland9641#6337101
2003 Dallas
2003 Detroit
2003 District of Columbia (DCPS)919316733113
2003 Fresno
2003 Hillsborough County (FL)
2003 Houston78225#4852194
2003 Jefferson County (KY)
2003 Los Angeles8515416337122
2003 Miami-Dade
2003 Milwaukee
2003 New York City8020614357245
2003 Philadelphia
2003 San Diego7030824654245
2002National public7129913565317
2002 Large city8119515347184
2002 Albuquerque
2002 Atlanta6337123
2002 Austin
2002 Baltimore City
2002 Boston
2002 Charlotte
2002 Chicago8515416337122
2002 Cleveland
2002 Dallas
2002 Detroit
2002 District of Columbia (DCPS)9281#6733102
2002 Fresno
2002 Hillsborough County (FL)
2002 Houston7426515050193
2002 Jefferson County (KY)
2002 Los Angeles8911316535112
2002 Miami-Dade
2002 Milwaukee
2002 New York City82183#4951205
2002 Philadelphia
2002 San Diego