Average scale scores for grade 4 mathematics, by gender and jurisdiction: 2011, 2009, 2007, 2005, and 2003
Average scale scoreAverage scale score
— Not available.
NOTE: DCPS = District of Columbia Public Schools. The NAEP Mathematics scale ranges from 0 to 500. Some apparent differences between estimates may not be statistically significant. Analyze results with NAEP Data Explorer.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, National Center for Education Statistics, National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), 2003, 2005, 2007, 2009, and 2011 Mathematics Assessments.
2011National public241239
2011 Large city233233
2011 Albuquerque235236
2011 Atlanta229228
2011 Austin247244
2011 Baltimore City226225
2011 Boston236238
2011 Charlotte247247
2011 Chicago224223
2011 Cleveland214217
2011 Dallas233232
2011 Detroit203204
2011 District of Columbia (DCPS)220224
2011 Fresno217218
2011 Hillsborough County (FL)244242
2011 Houston237237
2011 Jefferson County (KY)236235
2011 Los Angeles224223
2011 Miami-Dade236235
2011 Milwaukee219220
2011 New York City235234
2011 Philadelphia225226
2011 San Diego240238
2009National public240238
2009 Large city231231
2009 Albuquerque
2009 Atlanta224226
2009 Austin240240
2009 Baltimore City223222
2009 Boston237236
2009 Charlotte245245
2009 Chicago221223
2009 Cleveland213214
2009 Dallas
2009 Detroit199201
2009 District of Columbia (DCPS)218222
2009 Fresno218220
2009 Hillsborough County (FL)
2009 Houston236236
2009 Jefferson County (KY)232233
2009 Los Angeles222222
2009 Miami-Dade237236
2009 Milwaukee219220
2009 New York City239236
2009 Philadelphia221222
2009 San Diego237236
2007National public240238
2007 Large city231229
2007 Albuquerque
2007 Atlanta224223
2007 Austin240241
2007 Baltimore City
2007 Boston232234
2007 Charlotte244243
2007 Chicago220220
2007 Cleveland217214
2007 Dallas
2007 Detroit
2007 District of Columbia (DCPS)213214
2007 Fresno
2007 Hillsborough County (FL)
2007 Houston235234
2007 Jefferson County (KY)
2007 Los Angeles222220
2007 Miami-Dade
2007 Milwaukee
2007 New York City237235
2007 Philadelphia
2007 San Diego234234
2005National public238236
2005 Large city229227
2005 Albuquerque
2005 Atlanta222219
2005 Austin242242
2005 Baltimore City
2005 Boston228230
2005 Charlotte244245
2005 Chicago217214
2005 Cleveland220220
2005 Dallas
2005 Detroit
2005 District of Columbia (DCPS)212211
2005 Fresno
2005 Hillsborough County (FL)
2005 Houston234232
2005 Jefferson County (KY)
2005 Los Angeles222219
2005 Miami-Dade
2005 Milwaukee
2005 New York City232229
2005 Philadelphia
2005 San Diego234231
2003National public235233
2003 Large city225223
2003 Albuquerque
2003 Atlanta215216
2003 Austin
2003 Baltimore City
2003 Boston221219
2003 Charlotte242241
2003 Chicago214214
2003 Cleveland215215
2003 Dallas
2003 Detroit
2003 District of Columbia (DCPS)204206
2003 Fresno
2003 Hillsborough County (FL)
2003 Houston227227
2003 Jefferson County (KY)
2003 Los Angeles219213
2003 Miami-Dade
2003 Milwaukee
2003 New York City228225
2003 Philadelphia
2003 San Diego227225